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How to Change Languages in Excel

Working with Microsoft Excel in your preferred language can greatly enhance your productivity and overall user experience. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the simple steps to change Excel's language settings.

  1. Locating the Language Settings in Excel

Open your Excel application. Click on the 'File' tab located at the top-left corner of the Excel ribbon. From the dropdown menu, choose 'Options', which will open a new window.

  1. Navigating to the Language Settings

In the Options window, you will see a list of tabs on the left side. Click on the 'Language' tab to open the language settings.

  1. Changing the Display Language

Look for a section named 'Choose Display and Help Languages'. Under 'Office Display Language', click on the dropdown menu and select the language you prefer. This language will change the display language of your entire Excel interface.

If your desired language is not listed, you might need to install additional language accessories. You can do this by following the instructions provided by Microsoft in the link below.

Link to Microsoft's guide on language packs

  1. Changing the Editing Language

In the same 'Language' tab, scroll down to find the 'Choose Editing Languages' section. Here, you can select the language that Excel uses for editing and proofing. If the status of your chosen language shows as 'Not Installed', click on the 'Add additional editing languages' dropdown, select your language, and click 'Add'.

  1. Confirming the Language Change

Click on the 'OK' button to save your changes and exit the Options window. You might need to restart Excel for the language change to take effect.

By following these steps, you can easily change the language settings in Excel to match your preferences and needs. Happy Excel-ing in your chosen language!