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COUNTIF Mastery: 8 Essential Excel Examples You Need to Know

The COUNTIF function in Excel is a powerful tool for counting cells that meet certain conditions. Let's explore eight essential examples that demonstrate its potential.

  1. Count specific text: =COUNTIF(A1:A10,"apple") will count the number of cells in the range A1:A10 that contain "apple".

  2. Count cells that contain specific text

  3. Count numbers greater than a certain value: =COUNTIF(B2:B12,">20") will count the number of cells in range B2:B12 that contain a number greater than 20.

  4. Count cells greater than set amount

  5. Count cells with dates before a certain date: =COUNTIF(C2:C14,"<"&DATE(2022,12,31)) data-preserve-html-node="true" counts cells with dates before December 31, 2022.

  6. Count cells with dates after a certain date: =COUNTIF(C2:C14,">"&DATE(2022,1,1)) counts cells with dates after January 1, 2022.

  7. Count cells that contain dates

  8. Count cells that are not blank: =COUNTIF(D1:D10,"<>") counts non-blank cells in range D1:D10.

  9. Count cells with text length greater than X: =COUNTIF(E2:E10,"LEN(E2)>3") counts cells with text length greater than 3 in the range E2:E10.

  10. Count cells based on text length

  11. Count cells with specific text at the beginning: =COUNTIF(F2:F12,"apple*") counts cells in the range F2:F12 that start with "apple".

  12. Count cells with specific text at the end: =COUNTIF(G2:G12,"*apple") counts cells in the range G2:G12 that end with "apple".

  13. Count cells that begin or end with specific text

Mastering the COUNTIF function will enable you to perform complex data analysis and make the most of Excel's features. Use these examples to guide your journey towards Excel proficiency.