Excel Solver for Optimization – An Actuary’s Guide to Decision Making


Excel Solver is an invaluable optimization tool for actuaries, financial analysts, and data-driven professionals. It allows you to find the optimal value of a target cell by changing variable cells within constraints. Whether you’re maximizing profits or minimizing costs, Excel Solver can handle linear and nonlinear problems alike. This tutorial aims to provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Excel Solver for optimization problems.

Step 1: Understand the Optimization Problem

  1. Define the Objective Function: Determine what you want to optimize (e.g., minimize costs, maximize revenue).
  2. Identify the Decision Variables: List the cells you want to change to achieve the optimization.
  3. Set the Constraints: Outline the limitations or requirements of the problem.

Step 2: Install Solver Add-In

  1. Go to the "File" menu.
  2. Click on "Options" > "Add-Ins."
  3. Select "Solver Add-in" and click "Go."
  4. Check the box next to "Solver Add-in" and click "OK."
Using Excel Solver for optimization

Microsoft's guide to loading Solver Add-In

Step 3: Set Up the Excel Worksheet

  1. Enter the problem data into the Excel worksheet.
  2. Label the objective function cell, decision variable cells, and constraints.

Step 4: Launch Solver

  1. Click on the "Data" tab.
  2. Select "Solver" in the "Analysis" group.

Step 5: Configure Solver Parameters

  1. Set Objective: Select the cell containing the objective function.
  2. Select a Solving Method: Maximize, Minimize, or Value Of.
  3. By Changing Variable Cells: Select the decision variable cells.
  4. Add Constraints: Click "Add" to specify constraints for the problem.

Detailed Parameters Configuration

Step 6: Solve the Problem

  1. Click "Solve."
  2. Review the proposed solution and decide whether to accept it.

Step 7: Analyze the Results

  1. Examine the solution and interpret the results.
  2. Utilize the sensitivity report for understanding how changes in constraints would impact the solution.

Guide to Solver Results and Reports

Step 8: Re-run with Different Scenarios (Optional)

  1. Modify constraints or objectives.
  2. Re-run Solver to analyze different scenarios.


Excel Solver for optimization offers an easy and powerful way to handle complex decision-making problems. By learning how to define and solve optimization problems using Solver, actuaries and analysts can make more informed, efficient, and strategic decisions. Practice with various examples to familiarize yourself with this powerful tool.

For any queries or suggestions, please leave a comment in the comment section below. Happy optimizing!


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