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How to use CALL Function in Excel

Summary: In this tutorial, we will guide you on how to use the CALL() function in Excel. This advanced function allows Excel to interact with functions in Windows DLLs or Macintosh code resources, extending its capabilities. Please note that this function requires careful handling due to the potential for Excel to crash if used incorrectly.

Step 1: Prepare the DLL file

To start, ensure you have a DLL file that is stored in a location accessible by Excel and is registered with the Windows operating system. You can learn how to register DLLs using this Microsoft support article: Register or Unregister ActiveX DLL or OCX Files

Step 2: Use the CALL function

  • =CALL("Library", "Procedure", "CallingConvention", Arg1, Arg2, ..., ArgN)
  • "Library": The name of your DLL file.
  • "Procedure": The name of the function in the DLL you wish to call.
  • "CallingConvention": This can be "C" for cdecl, "S" for stdcall, or "M" for __fastcall. It indicates how the procedure will clean up the stack.
  • Arg1, Arg2, ..., ArgN: These are the arguments that you want to pass to the function. Ensure the number and types of arguments match what the procedure expects.

Step 3: An Example

  • Suppose you have a DLL named "myFunctions.dll" with a function named "Add" that adds two numbers. You would call it like this:

    =CALL("myFunctions", "Add", "C", A1, A2)

  • In this example, A1 and A2 are cells in Excel that contain the numbers you wish to add.

Conclusion: To learn more about the CALL function, visit this Microsoft article at CALL function