How to Add/Subtract Half Year/Month/Hour to Date or Time in Excel

Mastering Date and Time Calculations in Excel

Date and time computations in Excel can be challenging at first glance, but a handful of straightforward formulas can simplify the process, allowing you to add or subtract half a year, month, or hour. Here's the breakdown:

Grasping the Basics: The Formulas

Key to manipulating dates and times are two functions: EDATE() and TIME(). The EDATE() function allows you to add or subtract months from a given date, while the TIME() function lets you modify hours. For calculations involving half a year or month, you simply utilize half the corresponding number of months or hours.

An example of using the EDATE() and TIME() functions in Microsoft Excel

Dive deeper into the EDATE function: EDATE - Excel

Explore more about the TIME function: TIME - Excel

Adding or Subtracting Half a Year

To manipulate a date in cell A1 by half a year (6 months), you use =EDATE(A1,6) for addition and =EDATE(A1,-6) for subtraction.

Adding or Subtracting Half a Month

For adjusting a date in cell A1 by half a month (15 days), the formulas =A1+15 for addition and =A1-15 for subtraction come into play.

Adding or Subtracting Half an Hour

To add or subtract half an hour to a time in cell A1, you employ =A1+TIME(0,30,0) for addition and =A1-TIME(0,30,0) for subtraction.

Take note that Excel might auto-format the result of a time calculation as a date. To view only the time, you need to adjust the cell format to 'Time'.

Get insight on changing Excel cell formats: Format Numbers as Time - Excel

Examples of using the TIME() functions in Microsoft Excel


Adhering to these steps allows you to swiftly adjust dates and times in Excel by half a year, month, or hour. With the knowledge of EDATE() and TIME() functions, you can perform these manipulations effortlessly, ensuring to set the correct cell format to 'Time' for accurate viewing.


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