Microsoft Excel VBA Dictionary
(By Category)

Note: Syntax/Terms are separated into categories
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  • Byte: An unsigned 8-bit value.

    Integer: A 16-bit signed value.

    Long: A 32-bit signed value.

    Single: A single-precision floating-point value.

    Double: A double-precision floating-point value.

    Currency: Used for financial calculations.

    Decimal: A 96-bit signed number.

    Date: Represents date and time.

    String: A sequence of characters.

    Boolean: Represents True or False.

    Object: A reference to an object.

    Variant: Can contain any type except fixed-length strings.

    LongLong: A 64-bit signed integer (64-bit VBA only).

    LongPtr: A platform-specific integer.

  • Dim: Declare a variable with a specific data type.

    Static: Declare a static variable that retains its value.

    Public: Accessible by any other procedure in the project.

    Private: Accessible only within the specific module.

    ReDim: Resize a dynamic array.

    Const: Declare a constant value that cannot be changed.

  • If...Then: Conditional statement to execute code if a condition is true.

    ElseIf: Specifies a new condition if the previous condition is false.

    Else: Specifies code to run if no conditions are true.

    End If: Ends an If statement.

    Select Case: Alternative to multiple If...Then...Else statements.

    Case: Defines a possible condition within a Select Case statement.

    Case Else: Defines code to run if no Case condition is true.

    End Select: Ends a Select Case statement.

    Do...Loop: Repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true.

    While...Wend: Similar to Do...Loop but with different syntax.

    For...Next: Repeats a block of code a specific number of times.

    For Each...Next: Repeats a block of code for each element in a collection.

    Exit For/Exit Do: Exits a loop prematurely.

  • Function: Defines a function that returns a value.

    Sub: Defines a subroutine that doesn’t return a value.

    Call: Calls a Sub procedure.

    Return: Ends a function and returns a value.

    Exit Function/Exit Sub: Exits a function or subroutine prematurely.

    Optional: Indicates an optional argument in a procedure.

    ByVal/ByRef: Passes arguments By Value or By Reference.

  • Error: Used to simulate the occurrence of an error.

    On Error: Specifies what to do if an error occurs.

    Resume: Specifies where to continue after an error.

    Resume Next: Continues on the line immediately following the one where the error occurred.

    Err Object: Contains information about the error.

  • Set: Assigns an object reference.

    CreateObject: Creates an object of a specified type.

    GetObject: Retrieves an existing object.

    With...End With: Groups code for a specific object.

    Collection: A group of objects.

    Add: Adds an item to a collection.

    Remove: Removes an item from a collection.

    Count: Returns the number of items in a collection.

    Item: Returns a specific item in a collection.

  • Open: Opens a file.

    Close: Closes a file.

    Input: Reads data from a file.

    Print: Outputs data to a file.

    Write: Writes data to a file.

    Get: Reads data from a random-access file.

    Put: Writes data to a random-access file.

    Line Input: Reads a line from a sequential file.

    FileLen: Returns the length of a file.

    Dir: Returns the name of a file or directory.

  • Array: Defines an array.

    LBound: Returns the smallest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.

    UBound: Returns the largest subscript for the indicated dimension of an array.

    IsArray: Checks if a variable is an array.

    Erase: Removes elements from an array.

  • Date: Returns or sets the current date.

    Time: Returns or sets the current time.

    Now: Returns the current date and time.

    DateAdd: Adds a time interval to a date.

    DateDiff: Returns the difference between two dates.

    DatePart: Returns part of a given date.

    DateSerial: Returns a date based on year, month, and day.

  • Len: Returns the length of a string.

    Left: Returns the left part of a string.

    Right: Returns the right part of a string.

    Mid: Returns a specified number of characters from a string.

    Trim: Removes leading and trailing spaces.

    LTrim/RTrim: Removes leading or trailing spaces.

    InStr: Returns the position of a substring.

    Replace: Replaces occurrences of a substring.

    StrComp: Compares two strings.

    UCase/LCase: Converts a string to upper or lower case.

  • CBool: Converts to Boolean.

    CByte: Converts to Byte.

    CCur: Converts to Currency.

    CDate: Converts to Date.

    CDbl: Converts to Double.

    CInt: Converts to Integer.

    CLng: Converts to Long.

    CSng: Converts to Single.

    CStr: Converts to String.

    CVar: Converts to Variant.

  • MsgBox: Displays a dialog box with a message.

    InputBox: Displays a dialog box for user input.

    Type: Defines a custom data type.

    Enum: Defines a set of named constant values.

    Like: Compares a string against a pattern.

    Is: Compares object references.

  • Abs: Returns the absolute value.

    Atn: Returns the arctangent.

    Cos: Returns the cosine.

    Exp: Returns the exponential value.

    Int: Returns the integer part of a number.

    Fix: Returns the integer part, keeping the sign.

    Log: Returns the natural logarithm.

    Rnd: Returns a random number.

    Sin: Returns the sine.

    Sqr: Returns the square root.

    Tan: Returns the tangent.

  • ActiveSheet: Refers to the current worksheet.

    ActiveWorkbook: Refers to the current workbook.

    Range: Refers to a specific range of cells.

    Cells: Refers to a specific cell.

    Worksheets: Refers to a collection of worksheets.

    Charts: Refers to a collection of charts.

    PivotTables: Refers to a collection of PivotTables.

    Names: Refers to named ranges.

    Formula: Sets or returns the formula for a cell.

  • CreateObject: Creates an instance of an automation object.

    GetObject: Gets a reference to an existing object.

    Shell: Runs an executable program.

    SendKeys: Sends keystrokes to an application.

  • Debug.Print: Outputs text to the Immediate window.

    Stop: Stops code execution.

    Err: Contains information about runtime errors.

    On Error: Specifies error handling.

    IsError: Checks if an expression is an error value.

  • Application: Refers to the parent application (e.g., Excel).

    AddIns: Refers to a collection of add-ins.

    Workbooks: Refers to a collection of open workbooks.

    Properties: Refers to an object's properties.

    Methods: Refers to an object's methods.

    Events: Refers to an object's events.

  • UserForm: Defines a custom dialog box.

    TextBox: Allows users to enter text.

    Label: Displays descriptive text.

    ComboBox: A dropdown list of items.

    ListBox: A list of selectable items.

    CheckBox: Allows users to select true/false or yes/no.

    OptionButton: A set of options where only one can be selected.

    Frame: A container for grouping controls.

    CommandButton: A clickable button to perform an action.

  • Click: Occurs when a control is clicked.

    DoubleClick: Occurs when a control is double-clicked.

    KeyPress: Occurs when a key is pressed.

    MouseMove: Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over a control.

    Change: Occurs when the value of a control changes.

  • MkDir: Creates a new directory.

    RmDir: Removes a directory.

    ChDir: Changes the current directory.

    Kill: Deletes files.

    FileCopy: Copies a file.

    Name: Renames a file or directory.

    FileDateTime: Returns the date and time a file was created or last modified.

    FileExists: Checks if a file or directory exists.

  • Connection: Represents a connection to a data source.

    Recordset: Represents a set of records from a database.

    Command: Represents a command to execute against a data source.

    Fields: Represents a collection of fields in a Recordset.

    Open: Opens a connection or Recordset.

    Close: Closes a connection or Recordset.

    Execute: Executes a command.

  • XMLHTTP: Sends HTTP requests and receives responses.

    DOMDocument: Represents an XML document.

    Load: Loads an XML document.

    SelectNodes: Selects nodes in an XML document.

    CreateElement: Creates an element in an XML document.

  • Attributes: Defines additional characteristics for programming elements.

    Implements: Declares that a class implements an interface.

    Delegates: Allows passing a reference to a procedure.