Adding a Section in Microsoft OneNote Online

Microsoft OneNote Online allows you to organize your notes into different sections, providing a structured way to keep your information separated by topics or categories. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to add a section in Microsoft OneNote Online:

Step 1: Open Microsoft OneNote Online Launch your web browser and go to the Microsoft OneNote Online website (

Step 2: Sign in Sign in to your Microsoft account. If you don't have one, you can create a free account to access OneNote Online.

Step 3: Access Your Notebook In OneNote Online, open the notebook where you want to add a new section. If you haven't created a notebook yet, you can do so by clicking on "Create a Notebook."

Step 4: Click on "Add Section" On the left side of the OneNote Online interface, you'll see the list of sections within your notebook. At the bottom of the section list, click on "Add Section."

Step 5: Name the New Section A new section will be added to your notebook, and you can now name it. Click on the "Untitled Section" text and enter the desired name for the section.

Step 6: Start Adding Notes Once you've created the new section and given it a name, you can start adding notes to it. Click on the section name to open it, and then click on the area where you want to add a new note. Type your note or paste any content as needed.

Step 7: Add Subpages (Optional) If you want to further organize your notes within the section, you can add subpages. To do this, click on the "+" icon that appears when you hover over the section name and select "Page." Enter a name for the subpage, and it will be added under the section.

Step 8: Rearrange Sections (Optional) If you need to rearrange the order of your sections, you can do so by clicking and dragging a section's title up or down in the section list.

Step 9: Customize Section Colors (Optional) To differentiate your sections visually, you can assign different colors to them. Right-click on a section's title, hover over "Section Color," and select a color from the list.

Step 10: Save Your Work OneNote Online automatically saves your changes as you work. However, it's a good practice to periodically click on the "Save" button in the top-left corner to ensure your changes are saved.


Adding a section in Microsoft OneNote Online is a simple yet effective way to organize your notes by topics or categories. With the ability to add subpages and customize section colors, you can further structure and visually distinguish your notes for better organization. Microsoft OneNote Online's flexible and user-friendly interface makes it a great tool for managing your digital notes and information effectively.


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