Creating a Group in Microsoft Teams: A Step-by-Step Guide

Microsoft Teams allows you to create groups to organize your team members and facilitate collaboration on projects and discussions. Each group in Teams typically represents a specific team, department, or project within your organization. Follow these steps to create a group in Microsoft Teams:

  1. Open Microsoft Teams: Open the Microsoft Teams application on your computer or access it through the web version.

  2. Access the Teams Tab:

    • In the left sidebar, click on the "Teams" tab. This will display a list of all the existing teams and groups.
  3. Click on "Join or create a team":

    • At the bottom of the Teams tab, click on the "Join or create a team" button. This will open a new window with options to create or join a team.
  4. Choose "Create a team":

    • In the "Join or create a team" window, select the "Create a team" option. You'll be prompted to choose between creating a team from scratch or using an existing team as a template.
  5. Select "Build a team from scratch":

    • In most cases, you'll want to create a team from scratch. Select the "Build a team from scratch" option and click the "Next" button.
  6. Choose the Team Type:

    • Microsoft Teams offers different types of teams to suit various purposes. Select the appropriate type for your group: a. "Private" (Recommended): Only invited members can access and participate in the team's channels and conversations. b. "Public": Anyone in your organization can find and join the team, and its content is visible to all members.
  7. Enter the Team Name and Description:

    • Provide a name for your team in the "Team name" field. This should be a descriptive name to identify the purpose of the group.
    • Optionally, you can add a brief description of the team in the "Description" field to provide more context to its members.
  8. Add Team Members:

    • In the "Add members" field, start typing the names or email addresses of the people you want to add to the group. Teams will suggest matches from your organization's directory.
    • You can also invite external guests by entering their email addresses.
  9. Choose Privacy Settings:

    • For private teams, you can select whether members can only see the group name and its members or whether they can also see the group's content without joining.
  10. Click "Create":

    • Once you've provided all the necessary details, click the "Create" button to create the group.
  11. Customize Your Team (Optional):

    • After creating the group, you can further customize it by adding channels, tabs, and apps to facilitate collaboration and communication within the team.


Creating a group in Microsoft Teams is a straightforward process that allows you to organize your team members and foster collaboration. By accessing the Teams tab and selecting "Create a team," you can choose the type of team you want to create, provide a name and description, and add team members. Microsoft Teams provides a powerful platform for team collaboration, communication, and file sharing, making it easier for team members to work together efficiently on projects and tasks.


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