Using @mentions in Microsoft Teams: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: @mentions in Microsoft Teams help you highlight a specific person or team in a chat or channel conversation, ensuring they get a notification and see your message. Here's a clear, step-by-step tutorial on how to use this feature:

Step 1: Open Microsoft Teams

  • Launch the Microsoft Teams application on your computer, or access it through your web browser.
Microsoft Teams desktop software

Step 2: Choose a Chat or Channel

  • Navigate to the chat or channel where you want to use @mentions. This can be a new conversation or an ongoing one.

Step 3: Initiate @mention

  • In the text input box, type the "@" symbol. This action will activate the @mention feature.

Step 4: Pick the Person or Team

  • Upon typing "@", you'll see a dropdown list of suggested names or teams.
  • Begin typing the name of the person or team to narrow down the suggestions.
  • Alternatively, you can click on the "@" symbol to bring up a menu showcasing available team members or teams.

Step 5: Finalize Your Mention

  • Click on the desired name from the list. This person or team's name will be added to your message, ready to notify them once sent.

Step 6: Compose Your Message

  • After mentioning the individual or team, continue typing out your message. Feel free to include any additional text, emojis, or attachments as required.

Step 7: Send Your Message

  • Once satisfied with your message, hit the "Send" button. The person or team you mentioned will then receive a notification, and your message will stand out to them.

Step 8: Reacting to @mentions

  • If you're @mentioned by someone else, you'll receive a notification.
  • To reply, either click on the notification or navigate to the chat or channel where you were mentioned and type your response.

Step 9 (Optional): View All Your @mentions

  • If you wish to see every message where you've been @mentioned, click on your profile picture located in the top-right corner of Teams.
  • In the drop-down menu that appears, select "Mentions". This will display a list of all instances where you've been @mentioned.

Conclusion: @mentions in Microsoft Teams enhance the efficiency of communication. By simply typing "@" followed by the name, you can easily grab someone's attention. Moreover, tracking all your @mentions is just a few clicks away. Utilizing @mentions will streamline your communications and ensure no important message is overlooked.


Using Channels in Microsoft Teams


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